
Job Inquiry Letter Template

Inquiry Template Letter
  • [Insert Date here]
  • [Insert your Address]
  • [Insert your Phone Number]
  • [Employer’s Name and Title]
  • [Employer’s Address]

Dear [Name of the reader],

I just recently came to know about the job opening for the position of [Specific position] in [Organization Name] by [referrer name]. I am very interested in this position due to [related work experience or related qualifications].

I am currently in employment with [Organization Name] as [your current job title].

I look forward to hearing from your end soon for further discussion regarding this job opportunity and how can I contribute to the success of the [Organization Name].


[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

Modify the Template Letter of Job Inquiry; however it would be a great idea to add your own flavor.

Once you are done with the Inquiry letter, print it and sign it, do not forget to make sure that the readers name should also be printed over the envelop along with the address.

Written by Sheri


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