Red Velvet is a well rounded cocktail made up with a combination of american whiskey, raspberry liqueur and tastes sweet with a strong intensity of alcohol in it.
Overall its an awesome cocktail which I personally like too and is served in an old-fashioned glass.
Drink details
- Taste: Sweet
- Strength: Strong
- Type of Alcohol: American Whiskey, Raspberry Liqueur
- Served in: Old-fashioned Glass
- Prep time: 2 mins
- Serves: 1
- Raspberry Liqueur 15 ml
- American Whiskey 45 ml
- Lemon-lime Soda 90 ml
- Ice Cubes
- Pour the raspberry liqueur, american whiskey and the ice cubes in a shaker and shake it well for about 8 to 10 seconds.
- Now pour it in a old fashioned glass using the strainer.
- Pour the lemon-lime soda to top up the glass.